The Groundwork South Trust manage The Vench. We took on the lease from Bristol City Council in 2015. As well as managing The Vench, Groundwork South run a number of other projects across Bristol and the West of England. We are a registered charity (293705) and a registered limited company by guarantee (1982077).
We work closely with other organisations to provide the best provision possible at The Vench – you can find out more about our partners on our Partners Page.
The Vench Team

West of England Programme Manager
Programme Manager, Hannah Baker, has ten years’ experience working in the field of sustainability and environmental policy within the charity and university sectors. In this time she has successfully managed and delivered a range of programmes covering energy, water, waste, transport and green spaces.

Centre Manager – Youth & Play
Lisa has insider knowledge of the playground, having played here since she was 6. She leads the Youth and Play team with great energy. She fundraises, plans and supports the delivery of youth and play sessions that are engaging, relevant and fun for the young members of our community.

Centre Manager – Operations
Iulia manages the day-to-day running of The Vench playground and community centre, from hirers contracts to playground development. She supports staff and volunteers, balancing health and safety requirements with adventurous play. She is community-driven, creative and enjoys time outside, on her allotment or at The Lockleaze Community Orchard. She loves seeing the playground buzzing with activity!

Site Safety and Maintenance Officer
Gus looks after the building and the site.

Centre Support Assistant
Helen supports the day to day running of the Playground and Community Centre. You will find her in the office, on the drop slide or running around sorting things out and making cups of tea for everyone. Helen also inspires people to sing for fun and wellbeing running the Lockleaze Singing group based at the Vench. She is also a passionate open-water swimmer, loving the cold water even when its super chilly!

Lead Play Worker
Diana supports children on the Vench Playground at our Afterschool Supper & Play sessions. She is an alternative education enthusiast and seeks opportunities to engage with young people through play, the arts and nature-based activities. In her spare time, she practices Capoeira (an African-brazilian martial art), illustrates children books, and goes on long walks in the woods with her journal at hand.

Lead Youth Worker
Orphee is our lead youth worker and supports the Vench with running a range of sessions for children and young people including cooking club and cinema club. Orphee loves working at the Vench and sharing her many interests; from roller skating, to football, to arts-and-craft-ing or film, with the young people who use the space.

Youth & Play Worker
Caroline brings creative energy, and her arts and craft skills to The Vench team.

Youth & Play Worker
Heather supports children at our youth & play sessions. Heather enjoys encouraging others to be their own best, celebrating their presence in the present moment, alongside the gift of each day (that’s why we call it the ‘present’). Spending time looking at, listening to and learning from her surrounding natural environment is a passion, so she’s often found in woodland, wandering through hills and valleys or hanging out up a tree!

Youth & Play Worker
Beth supports children at our youth & play sessions. She is passionate about the community and supports children and young people.

Youth & Play Worker

Youth & Play Worker
Youth & Play Assistant
Dee enjoys working with Children & Young People (YP) and i believe in their rights. I’m here to encourage and support YP physically, emotionally & socially through play, cooking and taking time to listen to their concerns and worries whenever its needed. As well as helping them to get further support with the help of our Safeguarding lead when necessary.